Seafood Expo North America 2017

Ed at the booth during Seafood Expo 2015.
Ed at the booth during Seafood Expo 2015.


We are looking forward to Seafood Expo North America in Boston, March 19th-21st. Make sure you stop by booth 1604 and look at our new updated booth. Be sure to look at both our fresh and frozen scallops that will be on display

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Click here to preview the floor plan for the seafood show – Be sure to look for booth 1604.

For any inquiries on fresh scallops call Ed Hansen at (207)233-8039 or (207)854-9600

For any other inquiries or to schedule a meeting during the Seafood Expo contact Matt or Johnny at (757)244-8440.

Chesapeake is pleased to continually supply our customers with Fresh Just Caught brand scallops.

Just Caught scallops are the most asked for scallops due to the quality and taste that they provide for our customers. Our Production team demands the best quality scallops and they have shown to out perform competitors in multiple markets

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. If you have any interest in fresh just caught scallops, contact Matt Beagle, our fresh sales coordinator.

Contact Matt now to get the highest quality scallops available.